
May 2024

  • Released Auto Resend in beta

    Auto Resend automatically resends back in stock alerts to customers from previous waitlists if they haven't placed an order yet. Set up time and engagement based filters to target customers, and increase conversion to orders when you restock products. Chat with us, or learn more on our Help Centre.
  • Improved bulk notification processing and tracking

    When you send notifications in bulk from the dashboard, Restock Rocket will process the request in background instead of blocking any further actions in complete. You can also track all such bulk notifications, whether it's sent automatically or manually, in a dedicated section. Head to Reports > More > Track sending progress to see your processed requests.

    We've also improved navigation between search results in the Reports page with this update.
  • See available inventory in Reports

    You can now see the product's or variant's available inventory in Reports > Products in Demand. This helps you better estimate the right number of back in stock alerts to send.
  • Improved navigation

    Restock Rocket is now easier to navigate than ever before. All your back in stock alerts are in one tab titled 'Back in stock alerts', and switching between the available settings is faster too.

    In addition, you can now get to our Merchant Success team faster too by clicking the 'Support' tab. Set up a call with our team, chat with us or browse the latest tutorials on setting up the app for maximum RoI.
  • Quick view integration for Notify me and Preorder button

    Restock Rocket now supports showing 'Notify me' and 'Preorder' button on Quick View/Quick Buy sections. Chat with our team to set it up for your store.

April 2024

  • More back in stock alerts for all plans

    We increased the number of back in stock alerts you can send across all paid plans. Check your Settings tab to see the updated limits. Thanks for using Restock Rocket!
  • Web push back in stock alerts deprecated

    As of April 27, Restock Rocket will no longer send back in stock alerts through browser web push notifications. The channel has been deprecated. For merchants on plan that had a push notification specific limit, your email and SMS limits have been increased to compensate for the change.
  • Released Preorders in beta

    Convert out of stock products into orders faster with Preorders! Available now in beta, sell unlimited preorders until June 30, 2024.

    With Restock Rocket, preorders is easy and simple. Configure your first preorder offer, adjust settings like discounts and payment options, and let us set up your Preorder button! That's all it takes for you to earn revenue well ahead of a restock.

    We're rolling out new features for Preorders every week. Join the beta and share your feedback to help us build the best preorders experience you'll find on Shopify.

Don't miss out on increasing sales

Get started on Restock Rocket today. With round the clock support, your store will be on its way to increasing sales in no time.
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