Storelapse ‑ Backup & Restore

Storelapse ‑ Backup & Restore

by Stock Sync

Price: Free
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View changes that happened in-store in a timeline. Storelapse displays the product changes that happen in a timeline. The snapshot includes added products, product updates and deletion of products. Restore the product to the selected version in minutes. Select a single product to be restored. Select multiple products from a specific snapshot to be restored. The detailed comparison allows you to differentiate the product in 2 different snapshots.
Storelapse ‑ Backup & Restore
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
Snapshot summary displays products changes that happened in the store
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
Compare and schedule current version with previous versions to see the changes
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
Choose specific fields to be restored to the previous version

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