Payfy: Control Payment methods

Payfy: Control Payment methods

by CirkleStudio

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Hide payment method like Cash on delivery(COD), Money Order, Bank Deposit, etc... at checkout page by different rules based on Cart Total, Cart has item, Address or Customer tag with options like contains, Does not contains, Greater than or equals, or Less than or equals. Apply multiple conditions become all true or any true and hide payment method. Ex: Hide the COD if address contains PO BOX Helps to restrict order. Ex: Hide all payment methods by conditions.
Payfy: Control Payment methods
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
Hide payment methods by total, digital product, Customer tag, B2B customers.
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
COD only available for Pickup Orders. COD for retainer/old customers only.
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
Hide Cash On delivery for International order, Hide Pay Later for B2C customers.

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