GTIN / UPC for Google Shopping

GTIN / UPC for Google Shopping

by Improve / Apps Robots

Free to install. Additional charges may apply.
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Buy unique GTIN barcodes from a bulk supplier. GTINs are barcodes (also called EAN, UPC, ISBN) which are used by Google Shopping to identify products. In most cases these codes are required and will get your products approved. In other cases it will improve performance on Google Shopping. NOTE: Some market places (Amazon & Bol) require merchants to only have brand registered GTINs, so these GTINs will not work. Please test with a free/few GTINs first.
GTIN / UPC for Google Shopping
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
With valid GTIN / UPC barcodes your products are more likely to get approved.
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
Skip manual work and auto add new GTIN barcodes to products.
A checkmark signalling that this feature exists in Restock Rocket
You will receive 10 barcodes for free for testing.

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